Thursday 10 October 2013

Green Deal Comparison | Compare Cheap Quotes

Green Deal Comparison | Compare Quotes for cheap prices for loft insulation, cavity wall insulation green deal, solid external walls, floors, flat roof insulation, underfloor heating, gas central heating grants, energy saving boilers, solar panels, energy performance certificates, commercial and domestic.

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Did You Know About? 

Hot Water Showers Get a new bathroom shower, and energy efficient hot water taps for bathroom and kitchen and a free quote for an assessment, survey, report and installation from registered plumbers, engineers, gas fitters for a hot water shower with waste water heat recovery, through the green deal scheme or the ECO (Energy Company Obligation) plan. An energy saving shower will cut the cost of utility bills (electricity and gas) and is more energy efficient, for electric showers and direct hot water from the heating system. Assessments of hot water taps and showers is carried out by registered plumbers, engineers and fitters through the green deal scheme or the ECO (Energy Company Obligation) plan.

Water efficiency in the home can offer considerable energy, carbon and other household bill reduction savings for Green Deal, ECO and combined with other in-home energy efficiency schemes. Hot water saving devices provided in the green deal include showerheads and taps are included in the Green Deal List of Measures. Water use in the home accounts for on average 23% of domestic energy consumption (Source: EST).

Water Saving Showerhead
Showerheads can be replaced with water efficient types

Energy efficient hot water showers replacement for bathrooms are available for fitment under the green deal scheme. Most households have a shower fitted, however older shower units are inefficient compared to modern appliances. Energy saving hot water taps are also available to compliment shower units to help save water and help to make heating systems more efficient under the green deal.

What Is Available

  • Showerheads 
  • Tap retrofit devices

A number of devices will also achieve energy savings through the reduction of hot water use. These relate to showers, taps and boilers. Hot water use accounts for around one quarter of household energy bills. (Source EST).

Waste Water Heat Recovery can be installed to cut the cost of energy bills for homes. Waste water from the bath or shower can be passed through a heat exchanger and the heated waste water can be recovered using these energy saving devices.

Waste Water Heat Recovery Device

Types of Showerheads

Low-flow/aerated showerheads

The two main types of water-saving shower-heads are low-flow and aerated. An aerated shower head appears to deliver a higher flow than it actually does, providing the user with the experience of a power shower but with significantly less water use. Low-flow showerheads work by restricting the volume of water flowing through the showerhead. A wide range of showerheads is currently available to reduce water usage.

Not all of the devices listed are compatible, contact a specialist for advice for some types of electric showers and monsoon showers (a rain-head, high-powered shower).

How Do They Work?

Tap aerators/flow-restrictors

A tap insert can either aerate or restrict the flow of water from the tap without reducing water pressure. A tap aerator is a simple and inexpensive way to reduce flow rates for both kitchen sink and bathroom basin taps. Aerators come in a number of sizes and varying flow rates and are available to fit most taps.

In-line aerators/flow-limiting devices for showers: These are screwed between the showerhead and the hose, to reduce flow or introduce air into the water stream to give an aerated flow.

What Savings Can Be Made?

Water-efficient showerhead
7.95 L/person/day, 5 to 10.5 litres per person per day

Tap aerator
1 L/day
0 to 5 litres per property per day
(Source EST)

The installation of a water-efficient shower-head could save an average household (2.3
occupants) 3,762 litres of water, and £17.44 off their combined utility bills per year. A family of
four could save 6,468 litres and about £30 off their combined energy and water bill each year. (Source EST)

Central Heating Controls
Effective heating controls cut the cost of heating bills, boiler timer controls, room thermostats and radiator TRV's are effective measures to reduce heating costs

Water efficient taps and showers can also bring about improvements in energy consumption. These measures can be applied to domestic dwellings, and industrial/commercial premises.

A green deal advisor can offer advice on getting a quote, an ECO grant, and claiming a free solar panel system upgrade including heating, for example; boiler controllers, timers, radiator thermostatic valves and other heating system home improvements.

This energy efficiency measure for the housing sector under the scheme is open to social housing, tenants, landlords, RSL's, housing associations, private residential homeowners and commercial businesses.

Having effective water saving measures will cut waste and provide significant savings in energy bills, and cuts carbon emissions. These measures can be applied to domestic dwellings, and industrial/commercial premises.

Low and Zero Carbon Solutions; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and Answers about

Solar PV Applications

    Solar water heating tied into a solar compatible boiler can create significant savings for annual gas and electricity bills. If you are thinking about investing in solar energy equipment there are several grants available to help finance projects.

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